The problem
Oxfam: Survival of the Richest
Oxfam: Inequality Kills
Patriotic Millionaires International: 2024 poll of G20 millionaires
The initiative
Extreme wealth poses a threat to the safety and stability of modern life, from democracy and society to the environment and economy. The extreme wealth line initiative seeks to identify and account for these harms. An extreme wealth line would be underpinned with a set of indicators and used as a counterbalance to the poverty line, informing political action and reframing the conversation on inequality.
The initiative takes an interdisciplinary approach through academic research, narrative influencing and citizen engagement. The work is driven by a steering group of leading political, economic, and structural inequality thinkers and institutions, working with both a national and international focus.
Working in partnership
See our latest work on the extreme wealth line
A report looking at the risks extreme wealth poses to seven domains of life - democracy, media, law, economy, social cohesion, equality and the environment.
An open letter signed by 370 millionaires and billionaires urging elected leaders to tackle the corrosive impact of extreme wealth on our democracies and broader society.
Research on the attitudes of political figures, policy experts, and millionaires on a threshold for harmful wealth.
Opinions of over 2,900 millionaires across G20 countries on the impact of the super rich on the stability of democracies, control of the media and social media, justice systems, and political integrity.
The extreme wealth line initiative builds on work and research by many others addressing economic inequality
by Ingrid Robeyns’s
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
by Thomas Piketty
The Triumph of Injustice
by Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman
Can public consensus identify a ‘riches line’?
A study by LSE and others
How rich is too rich?
A study by Utrecht University
Changing the narrative on wealth inequality
research by LSE
Wealth Gap Risk Register
by the Fairness Foundation
Takers not Makers
a report by Oxfam
Wealth, Poverty and Enduring Inequality
by Sarah Kerr
Among others.
If you wish to support the extreme wealth line initiative, get in touch at: